" Upon the recommendation of the members, this Certificate of Appreciation is presented to Diane Wilson in recognition for achievement in Letters ".
--National League of American Pen Women
Santa Clara County Branch
February 7, 2004
"The National League of American Pen Women has the honor of presenting this Certificate of Membership in Letters to Diane L. Wilson."
--May 20, 2004
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society is given recognition as being one of the season's most psychologically astute books.
---December 2002, p.76, 78
(Click on heading "Articles" across top of this website to read this article.)
A four-page article derived from excerpts of Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness
--Oct/Nov 2003 issue, pg.30-33
(To read this article, click on header "Articles" across top of this website.)
NEWSDAY (New York)
These are trying times for the religion founded in the 1870s in Pennsylvania, said the author of a new book who is a former Jehovah's Witness. "It's time for the veil of secrecy on this organization to be lifted. I think they're in a time of crisis", said Diane Wilson, who wrote the critical book, Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society.
--Excerpt from Newsday, May 26, 2002
THE DISPATCH (California)
"Morgan Hill Woman Escapes Religion" Feature story March 22, 2002
Also a review of Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness by Dr. Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. [America's leading expert on the psychology of Jehovah's Witnesses]
COAST WEEKLY (Monterey County, CA)
5-26-02 Meria Heller
Meria interviews Diane Wilson and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
[Dr.Bergman is American's leading expert on the psychology of Jehovah's Witnesses.]
This interview will be transcribed and featured in Meria's upcoming book on spirituality. (Release date TBA)
4-6-03 Freethought Radio
"Great interview! It is my pleasure to air it on Freethought Radio. The general populace needs more of this type of information and definitely needs more people like you!"
Thank you,
Don Souza
10-29-04 VoiceAmerica
9am-10am EST
"Only One Truth"
Host: Maria Ferrara
7-19-02 KXNA
(Arkansas) 8-10 am CST
Host: Frank Whalen
"I can almost feel the anguish through your eyes because your book is such a comprehensive and superbly written one. I'm sorry you had to go through this, but also I can say thank you, because the sharing of this tale may save so many from the burden you've borne. Our interview was a homerun hit by you! You were the strength behind that interview. Thanks again for everything. Keep fighting the good fight!"
8-04-02 KJRT/KPDR/KASV 88.3 FM
(Amarillo,Texas) 7:30-8 pm CST
"The Source with Paul Anderson"
(Broadcast to Oklahoma, most of Texas, and parts of New Mexico.)
Host: Paul Anderson
"We would like to thank you for being our guest on THE SOURCE which aired on Sunday evening, 8-4-02, on KJRT/KPDR/KASV RADIO, 88.3FM. It is always a pleasure to have a guest that is articulate and knows their subject matter. It made my job as interviewer much easier. An added benefit is someone like you who speaks from the heart with conviction and emotion, in a manner that our listening audience can be educated, encouraged, and inspired. I, therefore, want to take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for being on our program, and to express my gratitude for making this interview such a delight. God bless you and yours."
1-27-03 KDIA 1640 AM
(San Francisco, CA) 6:30-7 pm
Host: John Hull
"Thank you so much! What you had to say was really powerful, and probably will awaken a lot of folks. Your book tells about a cult that is getting away with brainwashing legally and is hiding behind the guise of a Christian Church. I just pray it opens the eyes of members of the Watchtower Society and lets them know it's okay to question their leaders and walk away--and that the true God will watch after them. Thanks, and may the Lord bless you."
2-7-03 WGRC
(North & Central Pennsylvania) 11 am-noon ET
"The Matter At Hand"
Host: Larry Weidman
"Thank you for being my guest on WGRC's "The Matter At Hand" program on Friday, February 7, 2003. Your experience and insight into the Jehovah's Witness web was an eye-opener for the WGRC staff and listenership. Your discussion on the JW's hold on people, their reluctance/fear to discuss the person of Jesus Christ, and the need to know the zig-zag teachings was invaluable. We consider the interview to be among the best! Thank you!"
2-18-03 WNWC 1190 AM
(Madison, Wisconsin) 10:30-11am CT
"Speak Out"
Host: Lucille Badger
"Blessings to you. The interview was great!
Blessings for what God has enabled you to do.
May our wonderful God continue to lead and guide you."
2-27-03 KFSG 93.5
(Los Angeles & Orange Counties) 4:47-5:13 pm PT
"Let's Talk" Show
Host: Rev. Steve Boalt
"If you have friends struggling with this issue, or have friends who are involved or being indoctrinated by those who are called Jehovah's Witnesses, you need to get this book. It will bless them, and it will help them. I pray it will be used of God to change and touch lots of lives. Thank you, Diane, and God bless you."
3-10-03 KPXQ
(Phoenix, Arizona) 5:10-5:30 pm MT
"Today's Christian Talk"
Host: Tom Brown
"Thank you, Diane, that was a great interview! It went very well, you did an excellent job! You put it on a level where people can realize that your book is not a textbook about doctrines. Instead, it is about the emotional impact of the Watchtower doctrines. Thank you very much. I wish you the very best."
--Patrick Malloy
3-11-03 Talk Radio 1370-AM
(Austin, Texas) 5:00-5:45 pm CT
"The Trip Home"
Host: Matt McClearin
"I had a blast last night with the interview, Diane! How great was it that we had at least one, and who knows how many other, former Jehovah's Witnesses listening and compelled by your story.
I found your book riveting and compelling, and the interview flowed well and was both informative and entertaining...a true segment of "Turn it up and stay in your car" radio! We had a lot of positive feedback, and I've received several e-mails from listeners who enjoyed such a detailed, fact-based, personal account."
3-25-03 CJOB
(All of Manitoba, Canada; parts of Saskatchewan, Canada; & North Dakota.) 2:10-2:40 CT
All-talk station, #1 in the market place.
"The Water Cooler"
Host: Geoff Currier
"Many thanks for appearing on CJOB's Watercooler today. My only regret is that I didn't make more time available. The book is a real eye-opener. It speaks to how our spirituality can be hijacked when we are most vulnerable. I hope you'll be able to join me again somewhere down the road and re-visit the topic."
3-31-03 KFNW
97.9 FM - 1200 AM
(Fargo, ND) 4:40 pm
Christian Talk Radio
Host: Laurie Lind
"The interview will continue broadcasting by an automated rotation, whereby it will be played several times over the coming weeks on both AM and FM at various times of the day and even overnight, so that a wide variety of people will get a chance to hear it. Thanks so much!"
4-4-2003 Radio Liberty
(Monterey Bay area, CA) 9-10 pm
Host: Stan Monteith
"Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society is very, very well-written. It's just really fascinating, and I greatly enjoyed having you with me on the show. Thanks so much! God bless you."
4-18-03 AM 1290 WHKY
(Charlotte, NC) 10:15 am ET
Host: Scarlett Good
"Your book is certainly a Must-Read, because you shed a lot of light on the Jehovah's Witnesses that most of us probably never knew. Thank you so much!"
4-29-03 AM 560 WMUZ
(Detroit, Michigan) 2:15-2:45 pm ET
"On The Word"
Host: Paul Edwards
"The interview went absolutely splendidly! You have written an excellent book! I have to tell you, this is honestly the most intriguing book I have ever read about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I highly recommend it to every listener of this program. And especially every pastor and every Christian counselor needs to have this book as part of their library--and they need to devour it before they put it on their shelf, in order to help folks who are struggling with any cult environment, and with the Jehovah's Witnesses in particular.
I want to thank you for writing the book, Diane, and we'll have you back again to talk more about it. Thank you for a terrific interview!"
5-5-03 WMUZ-FM 103.5
"The Light" 2:30-3:15 pm ET
The Bob Dutko Show
Michigan's #1 Christian Talk Show
(Detroit, Michigan)
"I really enjoyed interviewing you, Diane. Yours is a fascinating story, and I encourage everybody to go out and pick up a copy of Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society.
I received many e-mails from listeners saying they were helped by your story and advice. I think everyone should read this book to prepare themselves for that knock on the door. Thanks for being with us."
5-15-03 Talk to Tara "Profiles"
Featuring in-depth interviews with Authors and names in the news. Designed to be informative as well as entertaining, Tara provides her audience with an experience they can learn from.
5-27-03 WAIF 88.3 FM
10 pm - 10:40 pm ET
"Larry's Bottom Line"
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
Host: Larry Arnette
"Diane Wilson's story is a captivating journey to discover who she is and the harrowing path she traveled to that end. It also uncovers a side to a religious cult that preys on such people. Her story should act as a red alert to us all that such groups exist and excel at controlling those who may enter it's web of lies and deceit."
6-4-03 ABC Radio National
(Sydney, Australia)
"The Religion Report"
Host: David Rutledge
ABC's distinguished weekly religious current affairs program, broadcast across Australia, Canada, throughout the Asia/Pacific region, and on NPR in the U.S.
David Rutledge speaks to the author of a new book that lifts the lid on life inside the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
6-11-03 KCPS 1150AM
8:30 am - 9 am CT
(Burlington, Iowa)
"The Big Show"
Host: Fred Hoffman
6-21-03 WNJC 1360-AM
Philadelphia Renasissance Radio
11:30-noon ET
(Pennsylvania; NJ)
"Living in the Spirit of Love"
Host: Nicole Golden
"Diane, thank you so much for appearing on our show last week. I learned so much about the Watchtower Society that I didn't know before. Next time the Witnesses knock on my door, I know just the right questions to ask. I hope that your book is read by everyone who considers joining the Society--it's an invaluable resource."
7-15-03 WTRU
5-6 pm ET
(Syndicated throughout NC, SC, FL, VA, PA)
"Truth Talk Live"
Host: Tom Booth
"Thank you so much for being on my show. I really enjoyed your book, it was very enlightening. As you mentioned in your book, it was so difficult for you to break free of the Watchtower. There has got to be countless others out there on the brink of trying to hold onto their sanity and figure out how they can get out. I received calls after the show asking where to get your book--so, there's some real interest out there. Hopefully we will get to talk again soon."
7-21-03 CKNW 980AM
10-10:20 am PT
(Vancouver, Canada)
Host: Peter Warren
7-24-03 C-FAX 1070
11am - noon PT
(The Greater Victoria Area, BC)
"Talk It Over"
Host: Terry Spence
"I think the book is fascinating! It's one thing to write a book with strong criticism of an organization, but quite another thing to document the allegations with specific information the way Diane has done. The reader can't help sharing her sense of frustration and loss--even betrayal.
The interview was great! You made your points clearly, interacted well with the callers, and sounded comfortable on the air."
7-25-03 WRPN AM-1600
8:50 am CT
Host: Justin Cleveland
"Diane's perspective as a recruit into, and subsequent break from, the Watchtower Society gives a perspective not seen by academia. It allows for comparisons to be drawn between various religious groups, and pulls questions of the roll of religion in modern society into question. A short interview with Diane allowed a frank discussion into these issues without delving into half-informed nary-truths or fanatacism. She is recommended for a captivating interview."
(Indiana; Illinois)
8:40-9 am CT
Host: Paul Ford
Thanks to you for writing a great and much needed book. "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness" is a great resource for those who have a friend or relative trapped in this dangerous cult. This book tells the truth about the lies of this organization. Diane's experiences as documented in this publication show that it is possible to wake up and get out. She shows how to reveal the distortions of this group to the deceived so that they may be set free. If you want to help someone get out of this dangerous organization, read "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness" by Diane Wilson.
8-14-03 KAAA - KVVV
8:15am - 8:45am PT
"Coffee with Kaffenberger"
Host: Richard Kaffenberger
"Diane Wilson has written a book, Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness, and it's going crazy on the bookstands! It's a bombshell! Thanks for being on our program, Diane."
9-14-03 KOOP 91.7-FM
4-5 pm CT
(Austin, Texas)
"Soul Talk"
Host: Chuck Freeman
8-15-03 WRXK
5:45 pm ET
Host: Joe Scott
8-16-03 WQBH
(Detroit, Michigan)
"Express Yourself"
"Thank you so much, Diane, and God bless you. We loved you! We certainly enjoyed you. Thanks so much for bringing us up to date with this wonderful knowlege you've put in book form. It's just beautiful! We learned a lot."
8-17-03 WNWS 101.5 FM
10:15-11 pm CT
"Carter and Company"
Host: Herrell Carter
"The interview went very well! There were a lot of people who were very interested. What I think it does to our audience is to help them take a look at themselves and to question, rather than to let others have control over their lives. All too often we find ourselves thinking it's easier to go along than it is to fight it. But you have been one of those successful in fighting it and saying, "Hey, I found out there was mind-control, and that's not the proper way of doing things." The interview was very interesting. I wish you well, and thank you so very much for being on my show."
8-27-03 WKCT
4:15 - 4:30 pm CDT
(Nashville, TN; Kentucky)
"Drive Time"
Host: Roy Brassfield
8-1-03 WHK 1220 AM
6:30 pm - 9 pm PT
(Central, Eastern, Southern USA,
& parts of Canada)
"What's Right, What's Left"
Host: Pastor Ernie Sanders
"This book is dynamite! It's tremendous! It is a really amazing book! I enjoyed it very much, and I highly recommend it to others. It an excellent book, and we plan to use it in our education classes. Please keep in touch, and we'll get you on the show again."
9-12-03 WTLN 950-AM
5-5:30 pm EST
#1 Christian show in Orlando
Host: John Adams
"Thank you for the interview regarding your many years as a captive to the Watchtower Society. I am pleased you found your way out, and encourage you to spread the "good news" to all outlets possible. Just to let you know, I found the interview captivating, and we are getting listeners contacting us, asking for more information. Thank you again and keep up the great work! You were an excellent guest!"
11-4-03 KTKT
(Tuscon, Arizona)
7:30-8:30 a.m. MT
"Diva Talk"
Host: Marcella Zeman
11-5-03 WAXE 1370-AM
9-10a.m. ET
"The Florida Show"
Host: Rhett Palmer
"Diane Wilson is a guest that will have your listeners listening with their ears to the speaker! They will be sitting in parking lots parked with their auto idling because they will refuse to get out and turn off the radio!!! And her book will emancipate people from the frivilous interpretations of the Bible that have been misused to dominate God's inheritance--meaning good God-fearing folks like you and I."
11-13-03 KIML
(Gilette, Wyoming)
9:10 - 9:30 a.m. MT
Host: Steve Norris
"I do appreciate your taking the time to talk with us this morning about your 25-year experience. And maybe somebody learned something about a religious cult, if you will. Thank you so much, Diane."
12-17-03 KFAX 1100AM
(San Francisco, CA)
6-6:30 pm PT
"Life! Line"
Host: Craig Roberts
"Thank you for the great interview! We would like to have you back on the show again."
2-5-04 CKNX
(Ontario, Canada)
9:15-10am ET
"The Talk Show"
Host: Brian Allen
"The pleasure was mine. You did a great job! Your forthcoming treatment of life inside the Jehovah's Witness movement was both fascinating and revealing. Your honesty in discussing your own journey through the murky world of a religious cult should give hope to others locked in a similar struggle. You were a delightful and articulate guest."
3-25-04 KJSL
(St. Louis, MO)
9:20-10am CT
"Mornings with Tim and Al"
Host: Tim Berends
"Thank you so much for being a guest on our show, and for the very interesting and informative interview."
4-28-04 WWIB-FM 103.7 WWGO-AM 680
Live 10-11am CT
Re-airs 9-10pm CT
"The Front Page"
Host: Mark Halvorsen
"Diane was an excellent guest who told her interesting story and journey into and out of the Jehovah's Witneses."
5-7-04 WDML
8:30am CT
The Friday Morning Interview
Host: Tom Sheldon
"Diane, your story is fascinating, and you're doing an important work in letting people know what's going on. Thank you so much for being on my show."
6-4-04 WRUS-AM 610
(Russelville, Kentucky)
10:05-11am CT
Host: Don Neagle
"Great show, Diane! Great show! Thank you for taking your time to be with us this morning. I wish I had 3 hours to spend with you!"
6-13-04 KOA-850
(Out of Denver, Colorado to 38 states & Canada)
1am-3am MT
"After Midnite Show"
Host: Rick Barber
8-8-04 WTBF
9:30-10am CT FM94.7
5:30-6pm CT AM970
(All of Alabama, & parts of Florida)
"On The Bookshelf"
Host: Dave Kirby
1-17-05 NewsRadio 700 WLW
4:40pm ET
(Cinncinatti,Louisville, Detroit, Indianapolis, Columbus, Chicago)
Sydicated to 35 stations nationwide
"The Gary Burbank Show"
Weekend Best of Show
9-26-05 CJOB
7:10-8pm CT
parts of MN & ND
Host: Geoff Currier
"This is great stuff, Diane! Amazing stuff!
I hope we can have you on the show again sometime! Thanks so much!"
6-25-02 The Pastor Ken Ferber Show Cable Channel 10
(Part I) St. Cloud, MN
7-02-02 The Pastor Ken Ferber Show Cable Channel 10
(Part II) St. Cloud, MN
7-09-02 The Pastor Ken Ferber Show Cable Channel 10
(Part III) St. Cloud, MN
NOTE: Churches are encouraged to show this videotape to congregation members. Contact Pastor Ken Ferber (click above) for a complimentary copy.
"Greetings in Christ, Diane!
It was great meeting you. Thank you so much for taking the time to fly all the way from California to central Minnesota to be on my television program, exposing the mind–and-soul-control of the JW’s. We were blessed to be able to record three shows together that were aired the following three weeks.
You are such an answer to prayer, a DIRECT answer, an arrow prayer, shot out and finding it's target immediately--how amazing! I thank God for giving you the courage and faith to step out, not being afraid--or, containing your fear with His help, and letting Him transform it into His energy and enthusiasm. I am excited how the Lord will continue to open doors for you.
I am still amazed how you just jumped into the interviews and were so composed, articulate, etc. Either you were very used to that, or comfortable, or the Spirit was working overtime, with the latent gifts He's given you that perhaps only now He is beginning to maximize. Isn't that great!!!
I am still getting great feedback from people I don’t even know, telling me how much your presentation, knowledge and experience empowered them in their lives and their spiritual walk. Keep speaking the truth in love, in season and out, whenever and wherever you have the opportunity. It will be blessed.
In His truth, that truly sets us free (John 8:31-32)!
Pastor Ken Ferber
Love of Christ Lutheran Church
St. Cloud, MN.
2-11-05 7pm & 9pm
2-12-05 8am & 10am
Morgan Hill, CA local cable channel 19.
"Escape From The Watchtower Society"
Diane Wilson gives a one-hour talk about her experiences as a Jehovah's Witness, and her horrendous struggle to escape from The Watchtower Society.
July 21-02 at 11 am - 12:30 pm The Center For Inquiry-West, Hollywood, CA
July 21-02 at 4:30 - 6 pm The Center For Inquiry-West, Costa Mesa, CA
Topic: "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society"
"The Jehovah's Witness who came to your door 15 years ago to convert you may have been Diane Wilson, author of Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society (Prometheus Books). But those days are over now.
The new, emancipated Diane will be at the Center for Inquiry-West to tell her story of induction and escape from the powerful hold of the Jehovah's Witnesses. She will repeat her gripping tale in Costa Mesa in the afternoon."
Sept. 8-02 at 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. S. Valley Unitarian Fellowship, Morgan Hill, CA
Topic: "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society"
YOU, who couldn't make it, you missed a very unique experience.Those of us who were furtunate enough to hear her, we will long remember Diane Wilson's cogent presentation of her experiences as a Jehovah's Witness. How very fortunate we are to join in a Fellowship of complete freedom of thought.
Our many thanks to Diane."
Otto Silberstein, Secretary
South Valley Unitarian Fellowship
Sept. 13-15, 2002
"Out of The Watchtower, Into Christ" Convention, ENGLAND
Topic: "From One Witness to Another: Experiences in the Watchtower"
Diane's special 45-minute speech via videotape which accompanied her book.
"Hello Diane!
Your video went down a REAL TREAT! Everyone wants a copy of the video! The reaction to your story was first class, people laughed at your fantastic humour and gasped at the abuse of the Watchtower in your life. We so appreciated the part you played in the UK convention this year, it took all of us to do our bit to make it as enjoyable as it was, and your part was just as significant as any part that we all played. The time you took out to record and mail that video to us was so appreciated.
Thanks again."
--Pete Stanton, Chairman Convention UK
January 16, 2003 at 7:30-9 pm Silicon Valley Atheists
Topic: "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society"
One-hour talk, Q & A, and Booksigning. (Note: I am not an atheist.)
"I wanted to thank you for addressing Atheists of Silicon Valley with your excellent presentation of your book. Your story was not only an eye-opener to us, but a reality check on the power the Watchtower Society can wield. All of us learned much about the workings of the WTS. You had mentioned that you were still new to author-readings. Well, your preparation was fantastic, what with a good sound system and organized notes, with good humor thrown in (not to mention such standout cute dimples!) Meeting you gives that important connection.
After reading your book, especially the last chapters, I'm struck on how brave you must have been to follow your true heart.
Well, Diane, it was a pleasure meeting you in your book and in real life. Keep that glow!
Joe Mercado
February 5, 2003 1-1:30 pm Morgan Hill Rotary Club
Topic: "How to Find a Publisher in a World Filled with Books"
"I got a lot of great feedback on your speech. Your topic and enthusiasm was excellent! I would highly recommend you speaking on that topic anytime. Keep up the great work!"
Brad Ledwith
September 22, 2004 at 7:30-9 pm Silicon Valley Atheists
Topic: Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society
One-hour talk, Q & A, and Booksigning. (Note: Diane is not an atheist.)
(Aired this Fall on Morgan Hill local cable channel 19.)
July 23, 2010 at 7pm Eclectic Books, Murrieta, CA
Topic: Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: The How & The Why
Diane gave a riveting speech on why & how she wrote her book---followed by a lively Q&A session in which her son and many in the audience participated. Many said they were helped.
3-23-02 BookSmart 2-4pm Morgan Hill, CA
5-04-02 B.Dalton Booksellers 1-3pm
San Jose, CA
5-25-02 Waldenbooks 2-4 pm
Cupertino, CA
4-26-03 Book Works 1-3 pm
"Pacific Grove's Landmark Bookseller"
Pacific Grove, CA
7-23-10 Eclectic Books 7-10:30 pm
Murrieta, CA